In our manual therapy office, led by qualified physiotherapists, we provide a service that is complementary to your training. Here you will find relief from your diverse ailments and injuries. The main goal of Pilates Lab is to promote, look after and restore the health of our clients and patients. In order to do so, we believe that it is primordial to take a global approach to healthcare, covering diverse aspects such as exercise, nutrition and manual therapy.
Manual therapy consists in applying different manual treatment techniques and methods designed to re-establish the optimum functionality of the human body.
It is a very important complement to exercise, given that applying such treatment helps us to detect and resolve possible ailments or imbalances, eliminating as much tension and as many blockages as possible, thereby achieving efficient and painless movement.
The treatment comprises two different phases. During phase one we perform an initial global assessment of the body while static and in motion. During this phase we are able to determine possible movement malfunctions, blockages and restrictions, at a dermal, facial, muscular, nervous, visceral or joint level. These will then be treated by different manual techniques, applying the treatment that best suits each particular case and patient. Phase two involves retraining; here we normalize the human biomechanics, eliminating any possible restrictions and malfunctions that we may have observed beforehand.
Manual therapy comprises techniques such as Physiotherapy, Osteopathy and Massage. As our team of physiotherapists is expert in a great variety of these techniques, we are able to treat many different ailments, primarily those that result from muscular aches, postural problems, sports injuries, traffic accidents or neuralgic disorders.
Specific treatments:
- Sports injuries, lumbago or back pain, slipped disks, muscle contractures, tendinopathies, tendinitis, sprains, maxillofacial disorders.
- Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, sleeping disorders.
- Visceral complaints: acidity, constipation, hiatal hernia, menstrual pain, intestinal candidiasis.
- Headaches, dizziness, sinusitis, neuralgias, etc…
Techniques used:
- Massage for muscle contractures
- Sedative or relaxing massage
- Sports massage
- Circulatory massage
- Lymph drainage massage
- Cyriax
- Myofascial release
- Joint Manipulation Physiotherapy
- Kinesio taping or Neuromuscular bandaging
The Benefits of our Manual Therapies:
- Wellness and quality of life.
- They stimulate your capacity to regain and maintain a healthy condition.
- They relax muscles and contractures.
- They help you to relax and to rest.
- They combat insomnia, and they facilitate deep sleep.
- They have an invigorating effect in situations of apathy or when you are feeling run down.
- They reduce muscular recovery time.
- They improve joint mobility.
- They increase tissue elasticity.
- They relax the joints.
- They help prevent injury.
- They improve skin elasticity and they have a reaffirming effect.
- They reactivate blood and lymph circulation.
Pilates Lab has a team of qualified professionals who provide you with the opportunity to combine manual therapy with a subsequent readjustment to normal and painless movement. Once you have gone through the acute phase of the injury, you can continue to strengthen structures that have been damaged, by joining the private or group classes that we offer, such as: Pilates on equipment or on a mat, Global Active Stretching, Global Posture Re-education, Abdominal Hypopressive Training, Muscular Activation, etc…
We provide the following services: Physiotherapy, Osteopathy y Massage.